Determination of antibodies against parvovirus and distemper in dogs (vaccination titer test)
Further information
In general, it is important to administer as few vaccines as possible while ensuring that dogs are protected against life-threatening viral and bacterial diseases. According to the statement of leading professional associations and vaccination commissions “Vaccinate more animals, the individual animal as often as necessary!”, antibody tests can be used to prove the duration of immunity after vaccination with core vaccines. With the Fassisi CanTi Check, an individual vaccination management can be established to vaccinate the individual animal only as often as necessary. With only one blood sample from the dog it can be checked within a few minutes for existing circulating antibodies against canine parvovirus (CPV) and canine distemper virus (CDV). The immune status of the dog with regard to these two pathogens can be determined directly in practice. Detection of existing circulating antibodies indicates the presence of immunity and does not require re-vaccination.
Dogs – CanTi Check
With the help of Fassisi‘s CanTi Check, a rapid test system developed by Fassisi, antibodies against the very common dog diseases Parvovirosis and Distemper are detected. The rapid test, or rather vaccination titer test, is measuring the vaccination status of the dog. Serum, plasma or blood of the animal in question is used as a sample. If the result of this check is positive, there is an active immunity against the canine parvovirus and the canine distemper. The dog therefore doesn’t need to be vaccinated again. Leading vaccination commissions recommend to better vaccinate more dogs rather than re-vaccinate a single animal in order to not unnecessarily strain the dog’s immune system. Fassisi rapid tests work in the veterinarian office as well as on site at the patient’s home. There is a possibility of a false negative result as with all test systems, if there are no antibodies circulating in the taken sample. A control test is highly recommended. Fassisi Dog CanTi Check systems are to be stored at room temperature up to 30 °C in order to keep the test’s full functionality.
Further information about Fassisi CanTi Check
Parvovirosis and distemper belong to the most common diseases affecting dogs. A vaccination against both is highly recommended. In order to not strain a dog’s immune system with an unnecessary vaccination, CanTi Check detects the actual immune status, i.e. the existence of antibodies, against the diseases. Parvovirosis: Parvoviruses are the pathogen agents of parvovirosis and are highly pathogen and infectious. Just 1 gram of a dog’s feces can infect about 1 million dogs. Furthermore, all three variants of the virus survive up to several months in the environment. Hence, a gapless vaccination is imperative, best, as soon as the puppy’s suckling period is over. Parvovirosis is one of the most common infectious causes of death in dogs, since treatment is difficult and often not successful. Even after years a seemingly overcome parvovirosis can be lethal, since damages of organs and the heart muscle are collateral in this disease. Distemper: This disease is being caused by morbilliviruses of the family of paramyxoviridae. The infection is not as infectious as parvovirosis, since it is only transmitted by direct contact with already infected dogs. The virus can survive a few days in the environment. Symptoms include trouble with breathing and the digestive system. Further symptoms range from diarrhea, vomiting, purulent nasal secretion and trouble breathing to epilepsy and paralysis. An early and gapless vaccination against distemper is the best prophylaxis.
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