Fassisi GmbH manufactures its products according to the guidelines of GMP with strict quality and specification standards. Moreover, we are certified according to ISO9001:2015 and with the existing quality management system we guarantee for the quality “Made in Germany”.


Fassisi GmbH is one of the few companies, which had received an official manufacturer authorization according to TierSG (Animal Diseases Act).

ISO9001:2015 Certificate
Fassisi ISO9001:2015 Certificate
Zertifikat ISO 9001_2015 englisch.PDF

Our QM lives! It is constantly evolving with the development of our company and includes new areas and is expanding.

Generally speaking, every stage in the development of Fassisi is accompanied by major enhancements to the quality management system. New challenges in the fields of production and development also pose new challenges for our quality management system. New validation procedures, approval criteria and risk management requirements have prompted us to upgrade and consolidate our ambitious quality standards on an on-going basis.


We aim to guarantee consistent quality standards and product integrity in the interests of providing our global customers with top-quality products that minimise risks.


The quality of our rapid test systems is our top priority. We strive to improve these systems on a continual basis by drawing on current research and technological advances. In the interests of raising standards at Fassisi, we also maintain good relations with our suppliers and run the company in accordance with a well-organised quality management system.


Our quality management system is based on the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice. As a manufacturer, Fassisi has established a documentation system based on specifications, manufacturing regulations, processing and packaging instructions, operating procedures and protocols relating to the various manufacturing processes. The documents are kept clear, accurate and up to date. Our entire production system complies with these guidelines and is subject to the current GMP regulations. Our mission is to contribute to animal health on a worldwide basis by means of our innovative rapid test systems.


All our rapid test systems have to comply with our quality management criteria irrespective of the law applicable in the country of use. In addition all products undergo our own rigorous approval procedures.